WORK PROGRAM AREAS SIC 2011SOURCE OF INSPIRATION CLUB (SIC)Friendship between the University Student Clubs
EDUCATION >>A. PBA (Foreign Language Program), a program to learn foreign languages: English, French, German, Arabic, Japanese, & Korean)2. BBB (Tutoring Learning Together), a joint study programs in various fields who are united in each individual university.3. Other incidental Program• Quiz Competition for primary, junior high school• Race - a race science and technology• Competition other education
FIELD TRAINING >>This field is a field that is intended to equip managers and members with the aim of achieving an independent student, skilled, intelligent, and creative.
• Field of Computer Trainingo Assembling Computer Training (Direct PRACTICE assemble computers for student girls & boys from 0 to 100% can)o Training SERVICE CPU, Laptop, & Monitor (Direct PRACTICE and may not directly work place SERVISAN SIC)EXHIBITION o Computer & Laptop on Campus & Schoolo Opening STAND CONSULTING Advantages & Disadvantages of These brands LAPTOP & Field Computer for FREE Consultation on School & Campuseso Competition-Competition Field Computero other incidental Program
• Field Training Multimediao Training Editing AUDIO & VIDEOo Media Training Learning (Macromedia Flash, Games, E-Book & Animation)o Competition-Competition Field Multimediao other incidental Program
• Field Training GRAPHICo Training Corel Drawo Training Photoshopo Training Ulead Graphics Editingo Training of layout, design, etc.o Graphic Field Competition-Contesto other incidental Program
• Entrepreneurial Training Sectoro Seminars & Workshops Entrepreneurial Selfo Training in REAL SUPER PRODUCTION (Super Production is an independent business SIC special students, who have developed that serve a variety of fields)o Entrepreneurship Training & Practice of direct (self-employment in services, production, or distributor)o Competition-Competition Field of Entrepreneurshipo other incidental Program
• Field Training INTERNETo Training WEB and BLOGo Business Training ONLINEo Training programs other incidental
2. FIELD OF FUNDS (BDU)A. Independent business in the Field Souvenir SIC: PIN, STICKER, MUG, Banner, Business Card, Poster, & Digital Printing2. SIC Independent Sector Enterprises in Convection: Shirts, Jackets, jamper, Hats, Slayer, Batik, etc3. Independent business SIC in the Field Computers: Laptop Sales, Computer Sales Package, Pheriperal, SERVICE (CPU, Laptops, Monitors, Printers, Other Electronic Equipment), exhibition & Laptop Computers on Campus & School, etc.4. Enterprises in the Field of Self SIC MULTIMEDIA: Video editing, learning flash media, web, games, etc.5. Independent businesses in the Field FOOD SIC: SIC Public Gaul, BU Jenang NUSI, ANEKA flakes SIC, Lanting Specials, Fun Juice SIC, Kriyikan POTATO Solutions, etc.6. Independent business SIC in the Field Training: Computer Training Assembly at Campus & School, Training, Multimedia Training, Graphics, Writing, etc.7. SIC Independent Sector Enterprises in Hand CRAFT: Frame, the knick-Pernik, LAPTOP BAGS, etc.8. Tutoring SIC: for elementary, junior high school9. Publishing books: Novel, General, Popular, etc.10. Competition-Contest of Business Independent11. SIC slang cafe12. Application of Field Work for Students and the student body 6 in cooperation with business / place of business are: SIC MULTIMEDIA, SUPER PRODUCTION, SERVICE CENTER Herro, PLOTOTEN, AUDITAMA COMPUTER, COMPUTER RESENTIKA.13. Incidental other programs.
3. FIELD social and spiritual (BSK)Participants Acceptance Prakerind / PKL student / students from various schools / Universities.The review committee & membersSocial service (social work in education, in orphanages, nursing homes, etc.)Free school street childrenJoint RecreationSports DOCRelaxation and TherapyStudents help the less ableLife ConsultationCompetition-Contest of SocialOther incidental Program
4. FIELD OF PUBLIC RELATIONS AND cadre (BHP)Registration and MAKRABTraining cadreAnother visit to the UNIVERSITYMaking Web SIC & OptimizationOther incidental Program
5. THE INFORMATION AND PUBLISHING (BIP)Writing Routine training who joined the SIC AUTHOR HOUSE (HOUSE AUTHORS SIC is a place the world of writing in various fields which directly interacts with the Author & Publisher directly. Results will be published SIC Writing, launched, and dissected his book)Preparation training and Making NOVEL General Books & PublishingHealthy Hypnosis Training (as motivational therapy and suggestion from all diseases)Training ScenarioManufacture of MOVIESTraining cameraman, reporter, and acting FILMMaking Training Work BulkVocal Training and MusicMagazine SIC manufacturingPreparation of Menu FoodsCompetition-Competition Field of Arts & LettersOther Incidental Training Program
ADDITIONAL SIC explanation related to PKL / Prakerind / PDU:ร Field of BSK SIC (Social Sector Spirituality) Point 1